Poètes :

SilkNlace : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #  Warning: Undefined array key 27 in /customers/b/4/a/lartdetrehumain.net/httpd.www/poetes.php on line 60 Warning: Undefined array key 27 in /customers/b/4/a/lartdetrehumain.net/httpd.www/poetes.php on line 63 Warning: Undefined array key 27 in /customers/b/4/a/lartdetrehumain.net/httpd.www/poetes.php on line 63  

Titres en O

Ode to the Sea

Vous lisez

Ode to the Sea

SilkNlace,  le 17.04.2009

Sent by the stars, you are our direct link with the Cosmos
Thanks to the moon
And if I dive deep enough
I can see the enlightened planets through the obscurity

What is life without water?
We owe you everything
And still you welcome us after all those years

No love is as vast
If one had a bad day
Feels horrible
No matter whom
You will open your universe and give it all
There is no such indulgence

Pure, clear
You always accept me
One finger
One hand
One arm
My whole body

Just you, and the sun
That's enough to keep me awake
Two bodies
I'm in you
You're in me
We contain each other
Nothing is so perfect
So sweet
Like an endless breeze

Deep, very deep
And vast
Deep inside the Ocean
Far beyond the limits

Again, again.. and again
I could do it forever
I could stay here for decades
How could I stop?
Do you ever stop?
If not me, someone else

And always
I have to go
Someone wants me, needs me, calls me
And always
I have to retire
I have to extract myself hardly
From these infinite streams

But one day
I know
This communion will happen
Just you
And me

Time to know you completely
If ever I can
I want to know you by heart
To feel that I know
To know what I feel
Little by little
Inch by inch
Mile by mile

Here and there
Here where I feel you
There where I loose you again
Spending hours just to discover you
Introducing you into my life
Every day
Our meetings
My discoveries

Now you master me
You control me
When is the time I will know you
Earn knowledge, gain control?
The time exists
When no one masters each other
Then only real pleasure comes
When power is over
Creation comes on
True expression can be revealed

When is the day you will reject one of those shells to me?
Your plants, your fishes, your rocks
Your salt all over my mouth
Give it all to me
This time will come, I know
Give me more time
From now I want to start
So sweet
Oh Sea! One day you'll see

Comes, goes again
The Ocean silently does its job

Come back!
Where are you going?
The water gently ebbs
But it's to come back again
With more insistence
More firmly
More surely

Only was I trying, that the sea rises
Becomes violent
Wants more from me
No we won't leave you just like that
Don't worry

Up, and down
Forwards, and backwards
The waves become bigger and bigger
Threatening me
Reminding me that pleasure
Always rimes with danger
What is your limit?
What is mine?
The rule is now clear:
Or my life
Today we'll do our best
I promise
Though I know it might not be enough

Then slowly when you wouldn't expect it
The Ocean comes down
It was not for today:
Luckily the water retained
And once again
I'm safe

But for how long?



Julien, 22.04.2009
Luciole, 20.04.2009
Fred, 17.04.2009

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