Vous lisez
I looked outside and felt the calling
So a walking in nature the beautiful day I did take
I met with neighbors and invitation given
I smiled and continued on my way
As I heard continuing in the background
The call and cry that the raven makes
When messages are coming to me
Magic afoot I do declare
I saw him flying getting closer to me
Soon he flies low and overhead.
I shout to him, I get it…so tell me now
A trip with Spirit Raven I would be taking
Home again
With music playing
Meditation deepen as I saw the Raven
Guiding me into the void of creation
I felt I was falling yet I rose
Sense of direction was gone and empty
All I saw was the tail and the yellow eyes of the magical friend
The coldness of the void did make me shiver
All expansive, one with all
I broke through the door of destiny
Through the fears and anticipation
Balancing yin and yang
Mirrors release against their angst